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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


OKAY . FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

saat aku tanpa dirimu.


semakin hari semakin sunyi :(
saya memang susah untuk trima awk sbgai kwn sy . sy tau , biarpun hadirnya hnya seketika n sekadar teman sementara... sy patut bersyukur dgn kehadiran awk kerna barangkali melaluinya lah kite mengerti apa itu . Tapi! saya memang xboleh! Xboleh!!! Please laa, saya memang nk jumpe awk sgt2 , talk with u , kisses with u , peluk awk , and EVERYTHINGS yang pernah kite buat semasa bersama dahulu . awk~ saya dah xsnggup nk tnggu 2 tahun lagi sedangkan 2 tahun ini kite sbagai kwn? Please la .. Saya xakan trima . :(
setiap hari sy renung2-kn gmbar awk dalam bilik Dan saya setiap hari/setiap mlm tdur lwat hnya mkirkn awk sorg je.

*p/s I really miss u n0w.

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Friday, December 02, 2011


Assalamualaikum :)

Nape kat "Facebook" awk List dia sbagai Partner awk? sedangkan dia sebagai Ex-Gf/Bf eyhh.. *opps! xnk ckp yg mne satu..
Bile awk list dia sbgai "PARTNER" hti sy hncur dn trus menangis~! *just sebab hal yg remeh temeh kan? Sy pun rse cmtu jgk... tapi, smua org xtau bagaimana isi hati sebagai seorg kekasih. Hah! thinking lah sikit.... ARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH,,, ToLoL sungguh-lah aku nihhhhh~!!! Benci wehh.. bru je balik kerja dh dpt sedih AND kecewa! jadi sy nk buat ape skrng??? hah? sy masih xboleh trima yg keadaan-nye cmni...Please la... sy dh cukup mnderita saat sy pindah kat rumah yg baru... dulu, sy xprnh mnderita and kecewa macam sekarang ni!! WHY? cuba ckp npe boleh jdi cmni??? Haisss..... STOP IT~!!! BENCIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIi~~~

*Hanya Allah shj yg tau bertapa sakit-nye hatiku Ini and bertapa derita-nye aku ini and Bertapa kecewa-nye aku ini....:'( :'(
p/s * I really miss u and love u sayanG!! :'(

saat2 saya sedih n kecewa-lah aku ingt kenangan terindah yg prnh sy lalui brsma dia <3
and saya perlukan Pelukan awk and I know u always want to kiss me~! Hmm..
* xde mood lepas balik dari kerja pd 2.12.2011,pkul 10:34pm~!!!! Nah! ambik! dgn tarikh and waktu sekali sy bagi...Benci :'(

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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Tear-> air mata :p

Last night i was thinking of you, a tear rolled down my face, i asked the tear "where are you going" the tear replied "there's someone so important in your eyes, there is no room for me"

Thinking of you means "I miss you"
Holding your hand means "I like you"
Squeezing it means "I want to kiss you"
Putting my head on your shoulder means "Comfort me"
My hands on your waist means "Never let me go"
Biting my lip means "I'm jealous"
Staring into your eyes means "Do you love me?"
Winking means "I adore you"
Dreaming of you often means "You're someone special"
Being with you often means "I can't live without you"
And wearing your ring means "You're mine"

juz a story~ :P

I remember the story: John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn't, the girl with the rose. His interest in her had begun thirteen months before in a Florida library. Taking a book off the shelf he found himself intrigued, not with the words of the book, but with the notes penciled in the margin. The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.

In the front of the book, he discovered the previous owner's name, Miss Holly Maynell. With time and effort he located her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond.
The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War II. During the next year and one month, the two grew to know each other through the mail. Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance was budding. Blanchard requested a photograph, but she refused. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn't matter what she looked like
When the day finally came for him to return from Europe, they scheduled their first meeting - 7.00 p.m. at the Grand Central Station in New York.

"You'll recognize me," she wrote, "by the red rose I'll be wearing on my lapel." So at 7.00 p.m. he was in the station looking for a girl whose heart he loved, but whose face he'd never seen. I'll let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened:

A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. Her blonde hair lay back in curls from her delicate ears; her eyes were blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive. I started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a rose. As I moved, a small provocative smile curved her lips. "Going my way, sailor?" she murmured.

Almost uncontrollably, I made one step closer to her, and then I saw Holly Maynell. She was standing almost directly behind the girl. A woman well past 40, she had graying hair tucked under a worn hat. She was more than plump, her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away. I felt as though I was split in two, so keen was my desire to follow her, and yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned me and upheld my own.

And there she stood. Her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible, her gray eyes had a warm and kindly twinkle. I did not hesitate. My fingers gripped the small worn blue leather copy of the book that was to identify me to her.

This would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever by grateful. I squared my shoulders and saluted and held out the book to the woman, even though while I spoke I felt choked by the bitterness of my disappointment. "I'm Lieutenant John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to dinner?" The woman's face broadened into a tolerant smile. "I don't know what this is about, son," she answered, "but the young lady in the green suit who just went by, she begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test!"


If only you knew... Everytime I see you, im speechless... breathless. Whenever I have the chance to see you, I'd take it in an instant. If you knew how often I thought of you, you'd be blown away. If you knew that I compare everyone else I come across to you, you'd be blushing. But if you knew how badly you hurt my heart and how whenever I see you I just want to break down and cry... you would feel so guilty that someone so "special" to you has to feel this unbearable pain... even worse, you're the person causing it.

Kesah lame :P


Now thanks to you...I'm scared to fall in love again. First of all, you broke my heart when I expected you to be the last one to do it. And now I'm left with my heart broken and in pieces and you don't even bother to notice. It's sad because all along I thought you knew me better than everyone else....but now I am starting to wonder if you even knew me at all.


"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go."


I really think there's a reason that I like him so much. Like something is telling me not to let him go. Every time I follow my heart... it leads me to him. I mean... what other explanation is there. Why is it that he is all I can think about? Why is it that no matter how upset I am... I see him and I can't help but smile? Why is it that when he smiles at me... I get that feeling in my stomach? And even when he'd broken my heart, and hurt me as much as anyone could ever hurt me... when he lied to me... and I hated him... why then did I still feel those same feelings? Answer me that, and then I'll tell you why I let him hurt me so much.Because I Love Him so Much.

Tik Tok Tik Tok! Yeah~

Finally bleh lah aku jadi Photography dah.. By Nikon D7000~ haha.

Now, Dad sruh aku blajar Taekwando plak -.-'
Aduh..aku mne lah minat.. mntang2 lah kakak aku pndai taekwando hnggakn aku dn adik2 aku prlu msuk taekwando!!kate Dad untuk mempertahan-kn diri...huhu.. aduhai-.-'
Hurm.. Xpe lah. Juz try first~! haha.. Mulai taun dpn aku akn blajar taekwando, and Sambung aku pnya Guitar Class and sambung aku pnya Photography Class. Hah! juz waiting for taun dpn cmne lah time table aku plak!! mesty FULL dgN jadual yg busy..aduh! ><' TakNak!!
Mase nak naik tngkatan 3, aku mmg dh break dah my Guitar class sbb nk tumpukan pd PMR. tp, skrng dah xlagi.. so, sekarang kene lah smbung balik my Guitar class.. aduh! gile3 =P
lps hbis Tngkatan 4, Nak msuk tnGkatan 5..aku perlu break plak jdual class aku untuk tumpukan pd SPM plak...aduh-,-'
btw, tnggu dan lihat je cmne aku lalui hidup aku skrng nie.. (Pejam celik)X2 dah dewasa..hehe. :P

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Syg (29.10.2011)

My Special Person(Mohd Fahmi) , Aiman SyafiQ, IQmal, JaMaL, AfiQ SaFwan anD Harris HaiQal

Monday, October 24, 2011

IMY (My ℒℴvℯ )

I Miss You~!!

Forgive Me Dear~

Sorry for everythings that i do for u dear, I love you, I'll never leave u alone. Sorry!

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Keinginan-ku ketika aku sakit. :)









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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Argh! Huh-.-'


Smakin hri kegembiraan aku smakin cikit,hais..asl eyh?? Hurm.. Aku pn xtau! Aduh'
ditambah pulak dgn hri nie aku demam,selsema anD. skit pinggang.. Aduhh' -.-''
Mmg malang ar mlm kelmarin skit pinggang sbb terjatuh ar.. hah! cuai sgt ke aku nie smpai trjatuh hnggakn TERseliuh sedikit dibhagian kaki. Argh! mmg kelmarin handphone aku off slepas kjadian tu..Hmm~

Friday, October 21, 2011

Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit~!!!!! Arghhh..


Not In Mood today :P :( :(

I Need You More Than Everythings~

I Saw Him Again Today
I Tried Smiling At Him, But He Just Looked Away
I Regret Doing Everything I Did To Hurt Him
I Know He Wouldn't Want Me Now
He's The Only Thing On My Mind
I Was Stupid And Naive, It Shouldn't Have Ended
I Wish I Could Tell Him:
How Much I Need Him ♥

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gastrik :(


Satu hari dilanda Gastrik yg begitu memedihkan perut aku. ArGhh~
tu lah,, sbb satu hri lah aku xmkn nasi jdi cmni~ *menyesal btul
Pagi pkul 3;30am hingga pkul 5;30am dilanda Gastrik.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Bulan PMR

Salam ~

aduiiiiiii~!!! Pmr is c0ming soon,, sy dh buat prsiapaN~ this year target sy cuma nk 3A's Jer...InsyaAllah klau Allah murahkn rezeki sy lgi..amin,,~ Tnggal 2 hri je lg nk hbis exam~~ hope sy mengakhiri exam sy dgn alhamdulilah dn syukur... Hees~hurmm...
*klau Allah murahkn rezeki sy mngkin akn tukar skolah dn prgi ke skolah yg lbih baek lgi.. Btul ke kputusan aku nI? insyaAllah,,hrp2 btul.~ tp,, aku syg jgk nk tnggalkn kwn2 aku,, skolah kebanggaan aku..hurmm,, dn jgk 0rg special aku~ Ngee~
*dalAm msalah memikirkn hal Ini lgi.~

Saturday, September 24, 2011

errhh~ -_-'

errrrrr~~ Awak mmg bncikan sy kn...? sy tau! sy mmg menyusahkn awk,, xpe lah.. mngkin taun dpn sy akn berpndh dn mngkin awk xakan bncikan sy lgi... mngki awk xakn lihat muka sy lagi... awk anggp je lah sy dh xwujud bg awk.!! sy pun xtau knpe awk bnyak brubah sejak kite putuskn hbngan...

ptg tdi,, sy nmpak awk brsma dgn ex awk... kelmarin ptg pun sy nmpak awk brjln dgn ex awk... awk tau x yg sy sakit hati sngt2 bile awk brsma dgn dia..Hmmm.. OPS! sy lpe,, sy kn dh xde ape2 bg awk.. So, awk pn xprnh nk jga hati sy kn... SOrry again <3
Tapi, yg sy pelik knpe erk biler sy trnmpak awk dgn dia jln brsma... knpe dia nk larikan diri erkk?? hmm.. sy xfaham lah! awk Anggap sy ape?tungkul kayu ker??? hmmm!!! arghh,,! sorry!! * Not in happy mood :'(
Hari ni, awk tgur sy dgn cara nk mrah2 jer...!! mrah2 je awk tau! hari ni, sy lihat awk,,,tp,, awk plak xhiraukan sy...ASAL?? sy ade buat silap dgn awk ker? kalau awk rse sy ade buat silap dgn awk,, tlong maafkan sy... :(
saya rse lebih baek awk dgn ex awk brsma kmbali...sbb drpd awk buat sy cmburu lagi dn skit hati bile tgk awk dgn dia...hmm.. *enthlh cm ner nk ckp kat awk..
hmm.. xpe lh..aduu lh,, asl xde slera nk mkn nih!! dah lh 2 hri dh xmkn nasi!~ cuma mnum air soya dgn mkn biskut tiger tuu jer,.... adddoiii~!!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Telefon sy sunyi tnpa msj awk :(


sy rindu kam0!! Asl ekk,, kita smakin hri smakin brjauhan dn tidak tegur sapa langsung? sy tgk kam0 sudah bnci kn sy.. hmm.. xpe lah, lgpn sy akn berpindah jgk xlam

a lagi.. hrp awk cari yg laen. dn hdup bhgia dgn yg bru.. please, carilh yg bru untuk diri kam0 yg tgh kesunyian itu... sy ingin kamo tau yg smpai bile2 pn sy akn tetap menyanyangi kam0 seorg jerp.. :(

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[MTV] Fina AF9 - Menangis Lagi

awak...~ awk tau tak??

awk,, awk tau x bile sy dgr lagu yg bertajuk " aku menangis" tibe2 je air mata sy mngalir dgn begitu sedih skali... enthlah knpe sy bleh menangis, mngkin sy merindui awk snGt2 dri kelmarin lagi.. tdi, awk dtg umh spupu awk dn menyanyi.. manakala mse tu sy tgh memikirkn awk.. diskolah sy msih memikirkn awk jgk.. sy bru tau yg awklh tman hdup sy dn awk lah pengubat rindu sy,hanya awk sorang je!! awk tdi sy dgr awk mnyanyi,, bile sy trdgr je suara awk, sy rse gmbira sngt2..enthlah knpe dgn sy.. sy pn xtau ape yg brlaku dgn sy skrng.. setelah sy mndgr awk mnyanyi dgn spupu awk. sy rse suara awk sngt sedih sngt2~ lepas awk mnta ptus dgn sy, hngga skrng sy msih anggap yg kite blum ptuskn hbngan lgi.. sy msih mngharapkn kite brsama lgi,, awk kate hbngan kite hnya sekadar seorang " kawan", tp sy xboleh trima awk sbgai seorg kwn sy... sy slalu pkirkn awk saat sbelum sy tidur, bngun tuk ke skolah, ke skolah, balik skolah...pendek kate! setiap saat,stiap minute, stiap hri,stiap bulan sy snGt merindui awk...hrp awk begitu jgk erk...

Monday, September 19, 2011

smpai disini saja sayang? :'(


ape mksud smpai disini je hbngan kite?
DAHULU kite saling mencintai dn saling memahami antara satu sama lain.. but, skarng smpai disini shj hbngan kite.... In nk syg tau yg in btul2 msih sygkn syg...tapi, disebabkn cinta kita tak direstui... in redha walaupun In perlu tmpuhi seseorg diri tnpa kasih syg...
DAHULU kite sering bermesej, sering gelak ketawa, sering sedih bersama, sering marah bersama, sering keluar bersama, sering menemani bersama, dan bnyak lagi sering LAH,,, tp.... skrng dh xwujud lagi perasaan itu... In akan ingat smpai biler2 pn psl kenang kite ketika brsma.. mungkin ptg tdi ialah pertemuan yg terakhir,ciuman yg terakhir, kasih sayang yg terakhir, mnyintai syg yg terakhir dn sgala yg terakhir lah... In nk syg tau yg IN XKN CARI YG LAIN, in akn mnunggu smpai lh cinta kite btul2 direstui...
In xsangka yg kite akan berpisah jgk dh cuba tuk mempertahankn hbungan kite, namun,,,,,,......... :'(
In masih memikirkn kenangan kite bersama <3
In merasakn syg ialah cinta pertama dn terakhir buat In <3
In nk mnta maaf jika ade buat silap dn salah diantara kite smasa kite bersama selama 5 bulan 5hari,, harap tiada dendam diantara kite selepas kite tidak bersama lgi....
In akn merindui bile syg pukul In, marah In, cium , pegang tngan In... dn laen2 lagi...Tapi, sekarang semua itu DAH HILANG!! tiada yg boleh gntikan syg selain syg sndiri <3
akhir kata:
in btul2 msih sygkn, disebbkn cinta kite xdi-restui oleh sbb tertntu In xkn prnh melupakan syg dlm ingtan In dn In Xkn prnh akn mencari PENGGANTI smpai biler2 pn...

GOOd Bye SAYAnG <3

Cerita Cinta antara kita ber-dua

ARGhHhH~!! asl lah air mata ni nk jatuh ke pipi jgk erkkk.. hurmm.. smua salah aku,, i know that!

good bye sayang.. mngkinkan hari ini ialah hari terakhir kite bertemu,bercakap,bergembira, bersedih, kecewa, marah, berseronok? hmm.. sy harap ini bukan hari yg terakhir buat diriku...i really love u,, i not perfect without you sayang <3
please dont leave me alone :(

Marry Your Daughter – Brian McKnight Lyrics & Listen

Marry Your Daughter – Brian McKnight Lyrics & Listen

Doa Seorang Kekasih Oh Tuhan, seandainya telah Kau catatkan, Dia milikku, tercipta untuk diriku, Satukanlah hatiku dengan hatinya, Titipkanlah kebahagiaan. Ya Allah, ku mohon, Apa yang telah Kau takdirkan, Ku harap dia adalah yang terbaik buatku..

hais.. NOT IN MOOD TODAY~:'(
Very not in mood...
Seandainya kita dicipta untuk menjadi satu, pastu suatu ketika kita akan bertemu. Namun seandainya kita dicipta untuk tidak bersatu, walau dekat selalu kau takkan jadi kepunyaanku...
andai itu yg terbaik untuk diriku dn dirimu, aku snggup brpish dgn dirimu..walaupun aku msih sygkn dirimu... Mungkin kita xmngkin brsma lagi,, dn mngkin tkdir mnentukn kite untuk tdk brsma... tp, aku ingin kau tau yg aku sngt2 mncintai dirimu dn aku sngt menyanyangi dirimu DAN aku berjnji yg aku xakn mngantikn tmpat Mu untuk diriku,wlaupn dia bnar2 mnyanyngi driku ini..~!!

i'm sorry :(

Sesungguhnya aku sangat mencintai dirimu wahai kekasih.

Aku tahu apa makna sebenar cinta yang dimiliki.

Cinta bukan mudah untuk dimiliki dan bukan mudah untuk memiliki.

Belajarlah melepaskan cinta jika itu yang terbaik untuk diriku dan dirimu..

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jika suatu hari.....

Jika suatu hari kite TERpaksa berpisah,
saya harap awak bahagia seorang diri.

Jika suatu hari kite TERpaksa berpisah,
saya harap diantara kite tiada ade sakit hati pun.

Jika suatu hari kite TERpaksa berpisah,
saya harap awak cari yang lebih baik dari saya dan saya harap awak bahagia dengan yang baru.

(Nur syazrin)

Operation time :(

Salam smua pmbaca blogger yg setia.. Kelmarin saya telah bertolak ke Kuala Lumpur secara tertibe je lps balik skolah.. lepas balik skolah, my cousin tlah dtg, dia sruh sy cepat kemaskn pakaian dn sruh sy prgi KL untuk buat pembedahan..semasa perjalanan ke KL,sy telah tertdur dlm kereta hinggakn telefon sy berbunyi pn sy xsedar.. hmm.. i wanna say sorry to my friends who call me and mesej me and i never reply ur mesej.. and to my special people, sorry too :)

dalam pkul 6:15++ ptg, sy tiba di hospital, semasa tiba disana sy berasa sngat gementar dn sngat takut... dgn adanya my cousin, perasaan sy semakin berkurangan.. Kini, semalaman sy telah terlantar di hospital, dn pd pkul 8:30++ mlm,, sy telah dimasukkan ke-dlm bilik pembedahan,, dn my cousin, telah menunggu sy sehari suntuk... akhirnye dlm pkul 4pagi, pembedahan sy sudah tamat! alhamdulilah, sy selamat! 

* saya sayangkn awak, saya tak nak kehilangan awak pun, sekali pun saya tak nak! semasa saya sakit, saya ingin sangat awak temani saya, Tp... saya tahu, awak tak boleh, saya tak salahkan awak pun! saya betul2 rindukan awak sewaktu saya sakit <3*

Friday, August 26, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2011

Beberapa hari lagi nak raya but nak ucap awal sikit . Selamat hari raya , awak . Saya nak minta maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki jika saya terambil barang awak , terngumpat pasal awak , terhina awak , termakan makanan awak , tersakitkan hati awak and segalagala TER lagi lahh .

selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dn batin :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wo Ai Ni~



Friday, August 12, 2011

Ramadhan is Coming Again

dah berhabuk blog sy kn...lme xupdated <3

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ~
puasa penuh tau,insya-allah~!!

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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Saya Rindukan Awak!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

maaf :'(

Jika semalam ada kesalahanku,maafkanlah!

jika hari ini aku bertnya khbarmu, Ini yg terakhir!
jika esk tiada berita dariku,
anggaplah aku telAh tiada....

*maafkn diriku ini,

truth one!

To tell the truth, might hurt someone feelings...

If not tell the truth,
someone with does't know the truth is it!
so, better tell the truth guys!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Di hatiku ada namamu.Tiap waktu ada kamu, meski tak ada jawab rasaku..

Percayalah Kasih~

Hanya satu senyuman darimu bisa mbuatku bahagia spanjang hari dan dgn hanya satu ayat darimu bisa mbuatku tsentuh dan seluruh duniaku menjadi sepi..

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wanita Biasa

kekuatanku sebenarnya KAMU

semangatku sebenarnya KAMU

HARAPAN ku jua sebenarnya KAMU

"aku hanya wanita biasa bisa sakit dan terluka"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

loV3 YoU ♥ ♥

You wanna no why i fell for you? because i love you . You made me happy . You were the first one to make me feel like i was special . You made me laugh when i just wanted to cry . You fixed my broken heart. You looked at me like i was the only one .. ♥

Friday,July 22 2011

happy-happy-happy and happy

haha... :P

I Alwys Kept Smiling for you dear~
Morning yg sngat MenG-Happy Kan kU~ thanks for th3 K**** sayang...

LOV3 YoU -]

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Satu hari bermain basketball dgn adik-beradik yg tersayang..:)

letih sngat2 hari nie...xpi best sngt2 dpt main basketball nga kakak n adik2..hees~:)

bju kitaorg mcm org baru sudah mandi...mmg basah nga peluh... hehe.. xpe2, walaupun peluh...trun berat bdan...ahahhaha... happy2 :P

Monday, July 18, 2011

luv u :)

cinta bagaikan langit di malam hari
tak ada yang bisa menerangi
hanya bulan dan bintang yang dapat menerangi
begitu juga cinta ku hanya kamu lah yang dapat menerangi cintaku seperti bulan dan bintang yang selalu menerangi malam

cinta bagaikan langit di malam hari
hanya rembulanlah dan bintang bintang yang bisa menerangi
begitu juga dengan cinta ku hanya kamu yang bisa menerangi

u hurt me !!

Why do you always say you love me when all you do is hurt me?

u are my everythings~

Nothing is more painful than realizing that he meant everything to you but you meant nothing to him...

cinta palsu --?

Aku mahu kau tahu aku menyintaimu setulus hati..bukan hipokrit...bukan cinta palsu..bukan ada kepentingan....

Ini adalah cinta tanpa syarat....

Aku begitu menyintaimu.....

cinta c3ria~

dari mana semut melata.....
dari sawah turun ke titi .....
dari mana datangnya cinta ......
dari SMS turun ke hati .....

" I ''

Cam ne U nk eja "C_NTA" kalo xde "i" ne U nk eja "R_NDU" kalo xde "i" ne pulak U nk eja "H_DUP" tanpa "i"..sebab tu la dlm hti U kene sntiasa ad "i" supaya "i" x hlang & jgn lpakn "i"..s0, kena la sayang "i" sllu.. Generated by Social ExpressionsGenerated by Social Expressions
Jika saya salah seorang daripade nye saya ucap terima kasih Generated by Social Expressions


Jgn Pernah Sia-siakn :)

belajarlah mencintai seseorang yang hari ini masih menjadi milikmu sebelum dia pergi dari hidupmu.. hari ini mungkin dia masih mencintaimu, tapi mungkin esok takkan ada lagi cinta untukmu & mungkin besok kamu yang akan lebih mencintainya ketika dia telah pergi.. jadi, jangan pernah sia-siakan cinta yang sekarang ini mengisi hatimu..

one quiet!

hmm... satu hari tnpa msj kamu, Ku merasakan kesunyian yg teramat!! ku merasakan rndu akn msj kamu <3 <3

dan ku merasakan syg dan rindu pd kamu... ku merasakan kesepian dlm hdup ku..ku merasakan engkau dh meninggalkn diriku ini....please don't leave me alone,dear.. :'(

Friday, July 15, 2011

out dlu deh!!

out dulu deh,nak hangOut dgn kwn2,,, nk pergi mkn malam kat crown garden...sape nak ikut?? huhu,,, ade dinner kat Crown Garden untuk Interact Club dinner...out dlu deh... nnt ado Leo club dinner pulak.. lps tuh Pancaragam dinner pulak! huh! gemuk boleh lah aku..!! haha..k,bye :)


tidak!! naper lah jadi macam nie!! ini yg aku xsuka!! HATE!HATE!

huh! about result?? xnk ckp psl results dh!! benci! benci! N benci!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My iPad ~ yeah!

dah dapat iPad...Terus Online..haha,, excited sngat2, bila dh dpt iPad!! hehe...thx daddy!

yeah~~ akhirnya, dpt jgk iPad...daddy belikan!! yeah! thanks daddy! syg daddy!

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Not IN Happy Mood!!

I hide my tears today when i say ur name... But,the pain in my heart is still the same~:'(

OhMyGod! help me God!

please stop my tear.. dont drop it too much, and dont feel like sadly face for 2day...:'(

Saturday, July 09

huh! like wants to cry today... very tired and No In Mood Today.!!

today i feelling like to fever again... my eyes so sick..aiyooo!! need to rest now...:)

Saturday, July 02, 2011


Today is 2-7-2011 is my happy day~why?? hurmm... entahlah...hak7

happy saje2 k0t!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

1 July 2011

Hallooo July...welcome July... and i wish,, i will better with u this month~!! hehe,

happy ending <3

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

huh! finally end-off-exam

huh! ==

happy ending...hahah... wait for the result.~ hope will okay all~
happy birthday to my assistant monitor Chua Chai Hun....may god bless u and may ur wish come true....2day so happy cause, have a bit party for u...hope u enjoy it! we from 3 damar would said " HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIHUN" hahaha... dont angry ya,,^^
we all are true friends~ =)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Never Leave Me Alone

I walk alone
Down this road
Without you
I’m at an all time low
I cry all night
Dreaming about you
About when we’ll be together
Wondering if you feel this way too
My heart is dieing
Along with my soul
You are hurting me so much
Is this your goal?
To hurt me so much
I’ll never love again?
To hurt me so much
My heart will never mend?
I walk alone,
Talk alone,
Live alone,
And without you
I’ll die alone.

Out :'(

3:00ptg, 26 June 2011.

about this time..i just now go out with someones.~ happy todAy,,,!!!! arghh,, nevermind,he now belongs to me~!!! thankyou God.... arghh...~ just now, he hold my hand tightly when i a bit to fall... hurm...

but,, about mood becomes unhappy and angry... That's Sha Gua(m) was not satisfied with me and wants looking for quarrel...!! oh!! u think u good? u think u can proud of others people?? please don't be Noticed!!! if u want to looking for quarrel with me and others....CAN!!! sure,can... i will ask u all my question, and i hope u do not cheat.... listen here Sha Gua!!! i only love him!i can't leave him... please, don't stir our relationship....thanks!
and one things.... how come u cheat ur Feelings? about Love, no cheating other wnts else!

Friday, June 24, 2011

ST12-JANGAN PERNAH BERUBAH (original clip)


huh! F3V3R AGAiN..!! argh,, 2morrow is my exam day... i wish i can do my b3st for 2morrow..~

mood hari ni: hurm... teringat psal kelmarin,lps balik main futsal... ade org kutuk2 ,itu yg aku xsuka...!!

♪♥~.. i love to be with u.. ♪♥~

So many people can do special things that make you happy..

But only someone special can make you happy without even doing anything..

That's is Me

Futsal day~

hurmm.. futsal day was very happy with them...=) especially ~~ Hees=)

These days I have been playing futsal with them ... with them,the mood I felt happy and all about i thinking now gone ... tapi, ade satu benda yang aku sakit hati skarang ni ialah that Sha gua(M) girl and xiang jiao(Y) girl ! Huh! nothing to said about her..!! mmg sakit ati,i'm Not In Mood Tonight!!!
now he becomes my responsibility !! so, please leave me and him happy now!

! Words are not just enough to eXpress Love ♥

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Esok main Futsal~!!

hahaa... esk main futsal...hurmmm... aku xtau main sebenarnyer, hak7..biarlah...hentam jer....ahahhah...*Play for fun only... aku harap bila dh pergi main futsal esk,aku harap dapat hilangkan stress blajar aku... hahah...insyaAllah... slalu jgk stress psl exam la... blajar lah.. dh lah aku nih calon PMR 2011... gudluck for me ya.... wish me luck all... i have my father,mother, sister,younger sister,younger brother, my boyfriend, my friends...And my Jiran sekampung...:-DD
peace!! hahaha... lawan Or hentam jer esk...!! aslkan b3st mo0d aku esk...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

105 hari lagi menjelang PMR !!!

arghhh~!!!! cepatnyer msa berlalu... hurmmm... *gementar...!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


dlm byk kata2 yg keluar..
ada dua yg menyentuh kalbu
menusuk dalam
teguh tersemat dlm benak diri ini
maka ku ucapkan dalam hati
aku percaya
aku yakin
buat selamanya
moga menjadi kenyataan
di bawah redha Ilahi..
tiada lain yang ku pinta
"Jernih setulus tadahan doaku, rahmati daku dan permintaan ku untuk bertemu di dalam restu.."


There is always ups and down in our life.

dan yang paling penting adalah;

bersabar dengan IMAN. Semoga jalan yang ditempuhi sepanjang ujian dan ranjau itu, menjadi pedoman menuju redha-Nya.

Happy Father's Day~ =)

untuk ayah yang saban tahun perlu diperbaharui emelnya (sebab selalu lupa katalaluan)
untuk ayah yang sentiasa cuba menjadi yang terbaik di mata kami (yang sentiasa mencari ilmu agama, dan tidak putus2 memperbaiki diri)
untuk ayah yang payah benar meninggikan suara (sudah tidak ingat riak ayah bila marah)
untuk ayah yang tidak pernah meminta lebih 
untuk ayah yang sangat suka menolong orang (walau jarang sangat ayah dihargai)
untuk ayah yang sangat kuat bekerja (meski ada penolong kanan dan tukang kebun)
untuk ayah yang daripadanyalah segala kekuatan ini datang
selamat hari ayah - meski setiap hari adalah untuk ayah -
...harapnya ayah bahagia memiliki kami
seperti kami tersangat bahagia kerana ayah milik kami
walau pinjaman cuma

tahun ni memerlukan hardworking~!!!

tahun nih mmg berat lah bg aku.. npe? because exam coming soon, blambak dgn k,kursus sejarah,geografi...lps tuh keratan akhbar...kene hafal plak hafazan agama.huh!!! =='' mmg kpala aku dh nk meletup dh skarang... walaupun nk mletup~ aku ade org yg dpt beri aku kegembiraan  =) cheess :-D
haha, smalam sblum skolah dah msj dgn aku... aku demam hri ni!! == bile aku msj dgn dia, aku rse sronok N ape yg serabut dlm kpale otak aku dh Xrse srabut....hurmm.. :)
bye-bye..nk buat keje plak... keje dh blambak dh nih....=))

Friday, June 17, 2011


hais... hari khamis dh demam,tp... nk kena prgi skolah jgk..sbb ade Hari Persaraan Pengetua...huk3
walaupun demam, sy tetap happy..nape? sbb dpt pkai bju PKBM...huhu...entahlah npe boleh happy...~
hmmm... balik dr skolah hari khmis tuh, rse pening dan tak larat nk mkn.... lps balik dr skolah, trus mndi dan tidur.... mmg xlarat mse tuh.... petang bru bngun~ mkn pun xlalu,so,kena mkn jgk... mkn sikit je...lps mkn,mkn ubt plak...!! hais...=='
hinggalah hari ni (17 june) masih rse xsht lg... hurmm... ubat dh mkn, nasi mkn sikit je...~
rndu sama seseorang...hurmm,, >< syg dia 4ever..=)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Anang - Separuh Jiwaku Pergi with Lirik

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday,June 11,2011

hmmmmm.... malam nih rse mcm xde mood nk mkn... it happen again for me...~ about our relatioship have little misunderstanding betweens me and him..tapi, mula2 sy rasa sy akn kehilangan awk jgk...dengan penjelasan yg begitu jelas sekali telah membuat hubungan kitaorg terselamat...alhamdulilah... saya betul2 xder lelaki lain selain awk..awk yg sy syg... btul~!!! <3 <3 <3

** jika sy ade buat silap dgn awk,sy hrp awk maafkn sy... dan awk jika awk ade buat silap dgn maafkn awk...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sekarang pukul 01:21pagi~!

Xboleh nak tidur.....!!! ArgHhHhH~!! ape yg aku tgh pikir nih? ha??  smpai mkn pun xlalu, nk mkn ubat pun xlalu... hais...mlm nih merana lah aku,sbb xmkn ubat lagi....hua7


today no mood to talk with somebody,no mood to talkative with sister and family and no mood to chat with anybody!!! hmm...why?? Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
* Leave me alone!!!!!!!! PLEASE~

*** Xtau nk ckp per lagi....!!!***

saje tnya~

Awak , saya nak tanya sesuatu ni . Saya harap awak tak marah saya . Saya nak tanya , awak sayang saya tak ? Kalau saya pergi dari hidup awak , awak nangis tak ?   Awak , kalau saya mati , nak ke awak d...atang melawat kubur saya ? Awak tahu kenapa saya tanya awak ? Sebab saya nak awak tahu , saya sanggup buat semua tuu kalau awak pergi meninggalkan saya~
* so, please jgn tnggalkan benar-benar perlukan awk... u are the only one i love...~ haha..=D 

ayuh! kembali ke sekolah~ ayuh! hahah...^^

hais..... sekolah dh nk buka,nih yg aku mls nih... bila dh cuti,rasa nk ke skolah...bila dh skolah,rasa nk bercuti....*sewel btul!!
bukak skolah nih,2 minggu blaja...dan Exam is coming...!! wish me good luck..:D

Manusia Biasa !

kdng2 kite ta sdr,, org yg kite ta pduli syg pde kite ..
kdg2 kite ta sdr yg kite t'lmpau syg kt 0rg, sdg kn dye salu skit kn aty kite ..
kite bukannye sdr,, kite bukn nye smpurne untk m'nmptkn 0rg yg cgt2 smpurne dlm id0p kite ..
dn kite bukn spew2untk wt org m'nyayangi kite mcm kite syg kt dye..
sbb kite hnye manusie biasa .. <3


♥ i want an honest cheating...
♥ a relationsip should be between 2 people,not the whole world..
♥ i want u in my life...4ever n always...
♥ a real bf doesnt lie,hurt,cheat,or hit their gf..
♥ if i can pick any moment in life that i cherish the most, i'd pick the time i met u...
♥ if u want 2 play games n cheat,go do that on ur xbox not on my heart...

*penantian adalah 1 penyeksaan tp telah mengajar ku erti pergorbanan,kesabaran n nilai kasih sayang.....*

thanks for always be there for me~

amaran seorang wanita akan mampu terpadam bila si dia mampu buat kami kembali tersenyum. 
♥ :)

i'll never forget the day we've met and came this far. we all know we've got this feeling but some way and some how it has to end up here. :') big fat thanks lovey.

Gastrik dtg lagi...argh!!

Benci! asyik2 kena mkn ubat..dh lah ubat tuh pahit...hais, nk buat mcm ner,kena lah mkn jgk.... My mom said, klu nk cepat sembuh, kenalah mkn ikut waktu ...baru xkena Gastrik... hmmm...aku pun kena lah dgr~ ==' :D

Thursday, June 09, 2011

I Heart You~


sekarang dah pukul 1:00pagi~

hais,, salam semua... dah tidur erk? hehe, hmm... xnak kacau korang tdur lah cmtu gak...hehe, goodnite and sweetdreams ya...

aku nih skarang dah pagi, nape lah mata aku nih xboleh tutup erk? slalu boleh,ari nih xleh nk tutup pulak...!! hais... ape yg aku tgh fikirkan lah pagi2 buta nih?? ade kwn aku ckp (Masturina), aku rindu kan dia hahah... mungkin! sekarang pun aku xlena nk tidur....*senget
hehe, dan Masturina ckp aku runsing k0t psl dia berkawan dgn hmmm...*** IMPOSIBLE!, aku runsing psl tuh... dan Mas ckp dia nk syg kan hmmm**** sbgai kwn jer~.... biler aku tgk huruf " syg" aku rsa lain, hmm...npe erk? entahlah,, dan aku bgtau kat dia yg aku mmg xkesah ar dia nk ape...aslkan aku malas nk bergaduh dh dgn sesiapa pun...ermm!

-K, i will try my best to close my eyes and sleep...~  Good9 semua,sy syg kamu semua...hehe *))

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Tears :D

Hey,there... please listen here... please listen to my heart dear...i only LOVE you~

Seandainya telah engkau catatkan dia tercipta buatku,
satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku, Ya Allah.
tetapi ya Allah,seandainya telah engkau takdirkan dia bukan milikku, bawalah ia jauh dari pandanganku,
lupakanlah ia dari ingatanku, dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan... =D


Andai kau pergi, hilanglah arahku...
jangan kau pergi, usah kau pergi...
andai kau pergi hampir pasti berteman pilu sepanjang hayatku~

Monday, June 06, 2011

About my bf ~

hmm... ape nk cite erk psl dia? okay..meh aku cite sikit psl dia...
Nama dia  *TUT*haha,(biarlah Rahsia ye)..age same dgn aku... tnggi? hmm,,dia tinggi drpd aku...dia lah tuh.haha, kacak? boleh lah, sbb ramai yang cakap macam tu.. huhu, ape lgi erk? dulu dia ade gf,skarang dh ptus...eX-gf dia tingkatan 2, dan skarang dia dh berbaik semula dgn eX-gf dia..hnya sebagai kwn jer... dia tnya aku,adakah aku akn marah jika dia berkwn dgn eX-gf dia.. aku memang xkesah pun dia nk berkwn dgn siape2 pun...
skarang aku rasa bahagia ar dgn dia...huhu... *senget
sayang pun ade, rindu pun ade...hahaaa... memang slalu lah berjumpa, sbb rumah dia dgn rumah aku xlah jauh sangat... boleh berbasikal or jalan kaki jer...hehehe..
     hmmm...... ape lgi erk??? nk kata romantik,, memang ade lah....hahaa... kadang2 bila jumpa dgn dia... rse malu jgk la... hahaha...nk tau x nape? aku pun xtau... hahahaa..kitaorg meme slalu chat dlm facebook and jrg2 msj( bukan terlalu jrg lah)
    hmmm...ape lagi erk? klakar? memang sangat klakar... haha, kdg2 rse mcm saat sedih boleh jdi happy giler....hahaha... *senget
kadang2 aku n friends kat rumah aku akan bermain badminton ar... dlm pkul 5:30ptg dh kuar dn main ar.... hahaha... dan kdg2 kitaorg akn berlawan lah sama-sama.... hu! memang satu hari xleh xmain badminton...hahha, kecuali hari hujan ar....
Xtau dh nk ckp aper dh..yang aku syg skarang ialah dia...hahha...

 I Love You 4Ever and Ever~ <3

Sunday, June 05, 2011

semakin aku takut akan kehilanganmu,semakin aku hampir kehilanganmu..adakah aku terlalu mengharapkan dirimu untukku.....
said :AwaK!!!! SaYa SaYaNgg sanGaT2 kAt AwaK. Saya Takut KehiLAngGan aWak.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Love The Way You Lie~

I Love The Way You Are!

Friday, May 20, 2011

L O V E = L O V E

An true and beautiful love saying:
"Sometimes we play with love.
But, when the time comes and you finally realize that you want to get serious plays with you"

Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


hais,, nape lah aku slalu demam?? skarang ni pun dah selsema dan batuk... aku tak nak jadi mcm nih,,,!!! haha, saat aku demam, ada yg tolong nasihatkan kat aku ialah Kamu! skarang sudah tiada, disebabkan seorang perempuan yg menganggu hubungan kita.aku reda dgn takdirNya... aku berharap kamu sentiasa bahagia...
sekarang aku dah tak ingat kat awk lagi,~hmm..~so Syazrin jgn sedih2 lagi, tumpukan pd PMR Candidate kau!! aku hrp kau berjaya,insyaallah..amin ^^

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day To mY Lovely Mummy!!

askum semua...
No one in the world can take the place of your mother. Right or wrong, from her viewpoint you are always right. She may scold you for little things, but never for the big ones...
dlm pkul 6lebih jgk la... aku, kakak aku dan adik-adik aku telah membuat kejutan yang istimewa untuk Mummy aku yang tercinta.... OMG!! aku sayang kat Mummy aku.terima kasih Mummy kerana telah menjaga aku semasa kecil lagi dan membesarkan aku hingga kini... aku harap Allah S.W.T pnjangkan umur kedua-dua ibu bapa aku...Aimn! Happy giler hari ini,sbb dapat smbut hari ibu bersama dgn yg tersayang.... kepada saudara aku   kebnyakan di Kedah " Happy Mother's Day" bye.... <3

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Do not think that Islam needs you, rather know that you need Islam!

Friday, April 29, 2011

TV Music: 我愛他 (Wo Ai Ta) by 丁噹 (Ding Dang)

他的輕狂留在 某一節車廂
ta de qing kuang liu zai mou yi jie che xiang
地下鐵裡的風 比回憶還重
di xia tie li de feng bi hui yi hai chong
zheng zuo cheng shi yi zhi deng zhe wo
you yi duan gan qing hai zai piao bo
對他唯一遺憾 是分手那天
dui ta wei yi yi han shi fen shou na tian
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
wo ben teng de yan lei dou ting bu xia lai
若那一刻重來 我不哭
ruo na yi ke chong lai wo bu ku
rang ta zhi dao wo ke yi hen hao
我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
wo ai ta  hong hong lie lie zui feng kuang
我 的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
wo de meng hen hen sui guo que bu hui wang
曾為他 相信明天就是未來
ceng wei ta xiang xin ming tian jiu shi wei lai
情節有多壞 都不肯醒來
qing jie you duo huai  dou by ken xing lai
我愛他 跌跌撞撞到絕望
wo ai ta die die zhuang zhuang dao jue wang
我的心 深深傷過卻不會忘
wo de xin shen shen shang guo que bu hui wang
我和他 不再屬於這個地方
wo he ta  bu zai shu yu zhe ge di fang
最初的天堂 最終的荒唐
zui chu de tian tang  zui zhong de huang tang
如果還有遺憾 又怎麼樣呢
ru guo hai you yi han  you zen me yang ne
傷了痛了懂 了 就能好了嗎
shang le tong le dong le  jiu neng hao le ma
ceng jing yi kao bi ci de jian bang
ru jin ge zi zai ren hai liu lang
我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
wo ai ta  hong hong lie lie zui feng kuang
我 的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
wo de meng hen hen sui guo que bu hui wang
逃 不開 愛越深越互相傷害
tao bu kai ai yue shen yue hu xiang shang hai
越深的依賴 越多的空白 該怎麼去愛
yue shen de yi lai    yue duo de kong bai    gai zen me qu ai
(Repeat chorus – higher key)
如果還有遺憾 是分手那天
ru guo hai you yi han  shi fen shou na tian
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
wo ben teng de yan lei dou ting bu xia lai
若那一刻重來 我不哭
ruo na yi ke chong lai wo bu ku
rang ta zhi dao wo ke yi hen hao


JJ Lin 林俊傑 - Ji De 記得 (pinyin) HD Full MV

Sunday, April 24, 2011





我最大的幸福就是能和你 手牵手。

如果有一天、你说你想我、我会对你说:現在才想珍惜我? 對不起、晚了.....

My Names~

Never makes you cry

Understands you

Run with you

Sing a song for you

You're all the time so addictive

At here waiting for you

Zeal for you

Run with you

I love you

Never makes you cry